Quillen Shinn Society
Leave a Legacy Gift to Ferry Beach
Leave a Legacy Gift to Ferry Beach
Over the years, many of our members and friends have provided a legacy of hope in their wills or estate plans for the future of Ferry Beach. Unfortunately, we often don't learn of our member's bequest until they have passed away. We would like to thank and recognize you now, and encourage others who love Ferry Beach to make a similar lasting and long-term commitment.
Ferry Beach's "Quillen Shinn Society" is our way of doing that. As a member, you will lead the way for others, as you have all along, in keeping the future bright for all of us at Ferry Beach. How will my bequest help Ferry Beach? When you give a gift through your will or estate plan, you help endow the future of Ferry Beach. Your gift, invested in the endowment, will help ensure the financial stability of Ferry Beach and produce a perpetual stream of income that may be used for programs, scholarships, grounds, and facility maintenance. If you wish, you may direct where and how your gift will be used, or you may make an unrestricted gift that would permit the Board of Directors to apply the gift where it is most needed. Let us know if you would like information on estate and charitable gift planning, need help wording your gift in your will, or would like more information about the Quillen Shinn Society. |