Ferry Beach Family Camps
Ferry Beach is the perfect place for parents and caregivers who want to be with their whole family for vacation but don’t want to cook, clean or be the social director all week! With the beach in one direction, the dining hall in the other, and age appropriate activities for every family member, all the ingredients for a fabulous time are here.
Adults can participate in workshops and activities of interest each morning while youth join their own activity groups based on age. Every afternoon is filled with multi-generational activities the whole family can enjoy: sandcastle contests, relay races, talent shows, campfires with s’mores, dances, workshops and much, much more! Ferry Beach offers the best in family getaways. We are an open and affirming community and welcome all families! |
Each summer we create a dynamic community of individual congregations and families to form this vibrant multigenerational gathering where all kinds of families work and play alongside religious educators. We come to learn as well as to put into practice what it means to be Unitarian Universalist leaders and be part of a beloved community. This year our intentional community includes child dedications for our community at the beginning of the week in addition to our annual bridging ceremony at the week’s end.
Family and Friends has provided a safe and nurturing community for people of all ages, from all walks of life, since 1970! We come together in community to grow, explore, learn, and build strong and lasting relationships! Family and Friends is the perfect vacation whether you come as a couple, an individual, a young adult, with your extended family, grandparents, or any combination of these. There will be something for everyone, with morning workshops and activities for adults, young adults and children. Multigenerational activities are plentiful in the afternoons and evenings.
We invite you to join us in the Circles of Life as we navigate and celebrate our lives. We welcome families of all kinds—with and without kids. We welcome teens, singles, elders, young adults and you—however you identify and define yourself!
Morning workshops will feature ukeleles, book binding, political discussions with a liberal religious perspective and other opportunities for active and quiet interactions. Morning children's workshops will be available for those 3 and up. Afternoons are intergenerational time on the beach (sand castles!), yoga, art, and whatever else pops up. Evenings include friendship circles on the beach, campfires with music, our legendary sing-down, coffee house, talent show, and of course dancing! |