Building Community Connections
Building Community Connections is a six week session. You will be connected to others who also have signed up based upon your time availability. We will focus on a theme or topic that will also come each week with poetry, a short story or inspirational music. Ferry Beach has six ways that we deliver on our mission to awaken hearts so each week will focus a bit on one of those six areas: arts and culture, education, sustainability, personal growth and justice and action. A group guide will also be shared each week that will include the reading or inspiration as well as questions to help the group focus on the topic. Groups should meet no longer than an hour.
Your first session will include time to organize how long you want to meet – the minimum is 30 minutes. You will also pick a facilitator for each session (help with keeping the discussion going). Your commitment is 6 weeks to the members in your group. |
call 207-282-4489 x1 if you have any questions or to register by phone